9 Cleaning Hacks Every Pet Owner Should Know

The affection and solace our pets offer us are unparalleled. They are indispensable companions in our lives. However, dealing with the mess they create is a common challenge many of us face and could do without.

Whether you’re blessed with a compliant cat or a well-trained pup, even the most well-behaved pets can create household issues. Fortunately, you needn’t invest extensive time and effort scrubbing away pet-related messes.

From selecting the optimal vacuum cleaner for pet hair to setting boundaries for specific areas within your home, the choices you make play a crucial role in managing the amount of pet-related chores you’ll need to tackle.

Below we have put together some cleaning hacks that could make your life whole easier while having a pet.

1. Clean muddy paws at the door

Before allowing your dog indoors, ensure to give their paws a thorough wash. Keep a bowl of water near the door each time you head out for a walk. If you have pet-friendly soap, adding a small amount to the water can be beneficial. Upon returning, dip each paw into the water, eliminate any mud or dirt, and then dry them with a clean cloth.

If you prefer not to leave water bowls out, consider using pet-friendly wipes instead. Even a clean, damp towel placed by the door can aid in preventing mud from being tracked onto your carpets and wood floors.

2. Give your dog a bandana

If you don’t already know, dogs cool down through their mouths. As they don’t sweat efficiently in the same way humans do, panting allows dogs to release heat. This can mean that even the best-behaved dogs have a tendency to drool a lot – not ideal for prized furniture and clean carpets.

If your dog is happy to wear a bandana around their neck, this can help to catch some of this drool. When it gets wet, you can simply throw it in the wash.

3. Mask smells with fabric softener sheets

Managing pet-related odors can sometimes seem like an uphill struggle. While consistent cleaning and vacuuming remain the primary defense against these smells, there’s another convenient tactic to combat lingering odors when you’re short on time for deep cleaning.

Utilizing fabric softener sheets can be an effective strategy. Simply position them in the areas your dog often visits, and you’ll notice a reduction in the potency of those unmistakable smells.

4. Use throws and mats throughout your home

Caring for carpets and upholstery when you own a pet, especially a dog, can be challenging. Hair, dander, odors, and messes can embed themselves deeply into fabric, so it’s wise to take preventive measures. Luckily, implementing this protection is likely simpler than you anticipate.

Just drape throws over upholstered furniture, especially the spots where your dog prefers to rest. Every few days, launder the throw and swap it out for a fresh one. Similarly, this approach can be applied to mats and rugs placed in your pet’s beloved areas on the floor.

5. Line litter trays

Caring for carpets and upholstery when you own a pet, especially a dog, can be challenging. Hair, dander, odors, and messes can embed themselves deeply into fabric, so it’s wise to take preventive measures. Luckily, implementing this protection is likely simpler than you anticipate.

Just drape throws over upholstered furniture, especially the spots where your dog prefers to rest. Every few days, launder the throw and swap it out for a fresh one. Similarly, this approach can be applied to mats and rugs placed in your pet’s beloved areas on the floor.

6. Always have a lint roller handy

Regardless of whether you have a cat or a dog, dealing with pet hair on your carpets and furniture is a perpetual challenge. Investing in a vacuum cleaner tailored for pet hair removal is advisable, but if you’re pressed for time and can’t use the vacuum, there are alternative methods to tackle this pesky issue.

A straightforward, inexpensive, and low-tech solution involves using a lint roller. Just as effective on garments and coats, a lint roller swiftly removes trapped hairs from upholstery fabrics with ease.

7. Always have rubber gloves and a squeegee handy

Pet hair often becomes deeply embedded in carpet and upholstery. An effective method for removal involves using rubber gloves. Simply don a pair of gloves, dampen them, and then run your hands over the pet hair. It should cling to the gloves, making removal a breeze.

Similarly, the principle applies to a window squeegee. After dampening it, glide it over your carpets and furniture as if you were cleaning windows. You may be pleasantly surprised by how effortlessly the stubborn pet hair can be eliminated.

8. Use your dishwasher

Every item belonging to your pet has the potential to develop odors over time. To effectively manage pet odors, consider establishing a pet cleaning schedule. Surprisingly, your dishwasher can become a powerful ally in this endeavor.

A variety of pet items, including toys and food bowls, are often dishwasher-friendly. Wait until you have a sufficient number of items to fill the dishwasher. Washing everything on a hot setting should effectively eliminate the bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors. Just remember to keep your dishes separate from your pet’s possessions during the cleaning process.

9. Choose a vacuum that’s designed for pet owners

Few experiences are as exasperating as struggling to clean with a vacuum that fails to meet your needs. If you’re locked in a perpetual struggle against pet hair, consider choosing a vacuum specifically engineered for homes with pets.

Shark’s TruePet vacuums come equipped with a specialized pet hair tool, complete with a bristle brush designed to eradicate even the most stubborn pet hair from sofas, stairs, curtains, cushions, and various surfaces. Available in both corded and cordless models, explore our range to discover the perfect pet vacuum for you and your home.

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